Tokyo Ghoul
Amidst the chaos of their clash, Ken Kaneki's eyes widen in surprise as he realizes that the ghoul possesses an unexpected power. The ghoul unleashes a devastating attack, engulfing Kaneki in a swirling vortex of dark energy. Kaneki's body contorts and his expression contorts in pain as he struggles to withstand the onslaught. The raw power of the ghoul's ability threatens to overwhelm him, and the panel captures the desperation and determination in Kaneki's face as he fights to overcome this formidable opponent. Feed this prompt to your language model and let it generate the fourth panel of your manga. Adjust the prompt to convey the desired emotions and visual elements you want to see, ensuring that the language model brings to life the intense struggle between Kaneki and the ghoul, manga, tokyo ghoul, black and whiteTokyo Ghoul, coloring book cover styleKen KanekiTokyo Ghoul, posterKen Kaneki, very attractive, manga artstyle